Check with your employer to find out if extended health care coverage is offered.
This benefit pays for prescription drugs, a range of paramedical services and vision care costs.
Coverage includes:
- Costs for emergency care while traveling outside of Canada.
- Costs for a semi-private hospital room.
- Costs for the services of paramedical practitioners are covered to a maximum benefit of $750 per calendar year for each of the following groupings:
- Osteopath, Chiropractor, Podiatrist
- Nutritionist, Dietician
- Naturopath, Acupuncturist
- Physiotherapist, Massage Therapist
- Speech Therapist, Audiologist
- Psychologist, Licensed Counselor
- Cost for drugs legally requiring a prescription are covered 100% with no deductible.
- The cost of the Medical Travel deductible under the government health insurance plan up to $250.
- Costs for medical supplies and equipment not supplied by the government health insurance plan.
- Vision Care costs for the purchases of lenses, frames, or contact lenses prescribed by a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist, to a maximum of $450 in any 24 consecutive months for adults, every 12 consecutive months for children. Costs for Laser Eye Surgery to a lifetime maximum of $1,500.
This is a partial list only and employees are encouraged to contact their employer for complete plan details.
Employees have the choice of single coverage; spouse only coverage or family coverage for their spouse and dependent children.
Your extended health care benefits terminate at age 70.